This May 7th, residents of NW Washington and SW Canada are invited to cross mental and physical borders in a shared symbolic walk for peace in celebration of the 8th Annual World Labyrinth Day (WLD).  The walk is part of a global effort, and will be held on the border of USA and Canada at Ebenezer Farm, 85 N. Harvey Rd., Blaine, WA 98230. The event is open to the public from 11:00am-3:00pm, with a group walk scheduled for 1:00pm. There is no charge to attend.

The event in Blaine will be hosted by the Western Washington Labyrinth Network, a group of labyrinth enthusiasts who seek to foster collaboration and support for labyrinth-related activities and practices through events and sharing of resources in the Pacific Northwest. The event venue, Ebenezer Farm, is home to three labyrinths; additional temporary labyrinths will be available for viewing and walking. The farm is located only 200 ft. from the Canadian border in Blaine, WA, just minutes from Interstate 5. Various activities will be available for all ages. Labyrinth art and other labyrinth items will be on sale. Indoor activities will be available in case of rain.​​

Western Washington Labyrinth Network - Special Events

Click the buttons below for photos of WLD 2016 and a previous labyrinth event/concert at Ebenezer Farm.

Saturday May 7, 2016 from 11 AM to 3 PM, Blaine, WA